Monday, January 12, 2015

I did not expect to hear that! ~Daniel Fast 2015 Day 9

Okay I'm just blown away and in awe at Gods' movement in my son during this Daniel Fast. I'm still praying for all out breakthrough in his and my husbands' lack of bond and their relationship but Saturday,day 7 of our fast my son opened up to me after 15 years of bottled up emotions! I see him praying more at meal time. I see him praying a little longer after my 5 year old says his little short blessing.

  This evening he popped in my youngest son's room while I was tucking him and had a book in his hand. He said, Mom I left this in Mr. (science teacher)'s room and he read it. First I was shocked he had taken this particular book to school to read. It was an old probably 1980s' childrens novel titled "Jesus". He said he had forgotten it in his room. The teacher told them to pull out a book to read and Kyle didn't have one. Kyle remembered he had left this book in his class. Kyle asked him about it and he pulled it out of his desk. He told Kyle he read it.

  I've met this teacher before. He is the typical science quantum physics-super intelligent-geeky-nerd. he believes in teaching his 9th grade students what college really expects them to learn and doesn't use the science book that has been sitting in the class room since 1995. I don't know anything about him but I feel this could be a seed my son unintentionally helped plant but God new it was no incident. Perhaps he nudged Kyle to take this book to school that day. Kyle forgetting a book doesn't surprise me but the fact his teacher has read it amazes me.

Daniel Fast April 30-May2

Saturday marks the 7th day of my Fast I must admitt my mind is too preoccupied with what to eat so today I'm not even going to pay much attention or put much focus on the eating part. God knows' my needs and he will take care of me while I am doing this to draw closer. The reason I started this with Saturday is I did really well Saturday. it was a very low key Day until I received a call in the afternoon from Jamie on Barbaras' phone telling us she had died. Her family was not quite so shocked but I am. This was Kyles' bilological grandma. Sunday all was going well we went to church heard just the right sermon. I know many thought he was talking to each and everyone of us. It is amazing how God does that! Today, I'm praying for strenght and the willpower to get up early so I can go into my Inner closet and meet with God. Lying in bed praying is good when I wake or when I go to sleep but making a room for our meeting is what he needs me to do and where he needs me to meet. So, I must clean out that closet!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

cute cascade ruffle skirt

Here’s is the tutorial. The measurements used are for a 4T/5T size so you’ll just have to adjust it slightly for other sizes.
Step 1: Cut 2 9.5″ x 20″ pieces of cotton lycra or stretch knit. This will be the front and back of the skirt.
Step 2: Cut the sides of the 2 pieces at an angle as shown in the photo
Step 3: Fold both pieces in half and use a marker to draw a curve at the bottom of the skirt as shown in the photo.
Step 4: Cut out the curve at the bottom of the skirt.

Step 5: Take one of the pieces for the back and cut it into 2 using the fold.
Step 6: Place the two newly cut pieces face down onto the front piece and sew up the sides shown.
Photo 7: This is how your skirt will look at this point.
Step 8: Print out the template at the bottom of the post and use it to make a full template shown in the photo (i.e. not on the fold). Cut out your ruffle pieces (cut one to test first….see next step).
tep 9: Before you cut all of the ruffles stretch one out and make sure it is long enough for your skirt. If not, lengthen or shorten the pattern as needed.
Step 10: Cut all of the ruffles. I cut about 4 at a time……I needed 15 ruffles total for my skirt. You may need more or less depending on how ruffly you want it.
Step 11: Mark the center of your skirt.
Step 12: Tick off 1.5″ or 2″ increments all the way around the top of the skirt starting at the center point.
Step 17: Fold the skirt in half right sides together. Carefully sew the back shut so you don’t sew over any ruffles.
Step 18: Cut out one piece of stretch knit 4″ x 24″ for the waistband and fold in half long ways (right sides together) and sew the edge shut as shown.
Step 19: Mark the waistband in quarters.
Step 20: Fit the waistband over the right side up skirt (waistband should be inside out) and pin in quarters all the  way around the top of the skirt.
Step 21: Carefully sew the waistband to the skirt.
Step 22: Cut a piece of 21″ piece elastic and sew the loop shut.
Step 23: With the skirt inside out, carefully sew the elastic to the top of the waistband all the way around. You will have to stretch the elastic to fit the waistband.
Step 24: Once the waistband is attached, turn the skirt right side out and flip the waistband under. Top stitch the waistband on top of the elastic all the way around, stretching to keep it smooth.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Wedding vVideo made by my sweet Husband

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

E-mail I wrote today About my Weightloss.


  I believe Plexus Slim has indeed been the key to my weight loss. I too asked Darrah many questions before I even bought the trial pkg. I tend to have shakes or sugar levels drop from appetite suppressants. I decided the 3 day trial pkg would be worth trying that way I wouldn't be out all the money. The first day I felt so empowered and focused at the same time and not jittery, shaky or too caffinated to function. The first comment I made to Dan was, "I have never felt so energized and focused at the same time!" I imediately ordered 2 more sample pks so I could try it for 9 days and see what the results would be. First thing u do is measure your waist or wear a tight shirt. I did both as well as weigh myself. After the 3 days I has lost 3 lbs and 1 inch!.
  First and foremost I hate having direct sales products crammed down my throat. I liked this type though because you aren't pressured to have a" party" for the product. Actually I should have told you this. In Oct. I had been feeling convicted strongly by God to quit putting food before him and lose weight. I started trying out other products and ways and no they didn't do a thing. I came across a post for Plexus from a total stranger and was intrigued because it was a normal person and not someone who turned into a body builder or super model. I looked it up but quickly didn't believe it could be effective since it was a drink once a day and/or a accelerator if u choose. i even showed my husband and he looked at it and he was skeptical too. "I distinctly remember telling him, if I knew someone personally doing this it would help me decide to try this".
 After going to our small group one Sunday night I felt so convicted to ask for prayers to get my weight under control. THe next morning is when I made the post about christian weightloss blogs/ sites u had responded to. After looking for the book I come across a post in a blog with a sermon about glorifying God with our bodies. I just kept receiving confirmation that he was telling me to lose it! Then Darrah made her post about losing 20 lbs on Plexus. I was excited because now I knew someone in real life using this product.
  Let me tell you how it has worked and effected me. First I told u it gave me an huge surge or energy and focus. The next day my body had settled from the sensation of the day before but not a bad settle more like adjusted. You have to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day which shouldn't be a problem because if there is a side effect it is I'm thirsty only for water all day long. This means my mouth gets a little dry but once I drink water I'm ok. It did increase my urine for a few days. Now, I wouldn't say that this product has supressed my appetite where I don't want to eat but it has curbed my appetite to where I make healthier choices for my meals and not crave all the carbs, sugars,caffiene, and Chocolate! I must be the weird one in the adventure because the week before Christmas i joined a gym too.

 Now back to day 6 of the trial i have to tell you is when I decided i must get the months worth. For so long now I have felt dibilitated after my 3  yr olds birth from pain in my right hip and lower back. After the 6th day and 6 pounds off my body I had imediate relief and slept the entire night with no pain. I was amazed how 6 lbs made such a difference. This is when I started doing some areobic type excercises prompting me to join the gym. I feel the not eating so much junk and no soda had given me the freedom to move. I fully believe God pointed me to this product to jumpstart and maintaine myself.

I'm try to hurry and wrap this up but first i want to tell you I have 70 more lbs to lose. I know outrageous right. If I lose 10 lbs a month I'll be at a desirable size by my anniversary in Sept. I wasn't going to sign on until I lost at least 40lbs where people would see big results but I couldn't wait. So any way. I hope this helps.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

I am ashamed of myself...but I refuse to stay this way.

  This blog I have been fighting to not write for over a month now. Embarrassed, ashamed, digusted, are just the start of how I feel about myself. Being over weight for so many years and it spiraling out of control I have been scared I would never get my health back on track. There has been certain events this past year that really has pulled at my heart strings. 

  I've always felt I needed to do something to get back into motivation. Thank goodness my husband Dan has not given up on me through it all. He has bought me so many different things I've asked for to get down to a decent size. There was a break through so I thought a few years ago by going to a weight Dr. and I did lose 30 lbs but it was at a high price where my health was concerned. See this drug phenermine suppressed my appetite down to nothing. It even made me not want water which is really bad. I had two episodes around 2 Am where I thought i was going to die. I got extremely dizzy cold sweats. I grabbed a slimfast drink from the fridge and drank it quickly. It turns out I was having low sugar attacks since I was only taking in about 500 cal. A DAY. I also started losing my hair from lack of nutrition.

  God has really been throwing me curveballs trying to get me to pay attention to what is becoming of myself. He confirmed more than once last month that I need to change my habits, no that is putting it nicely my addictions to food. The Holy Spirit  has put in my heart I am sinning by making food my idol. I have denied this as truth for far too long. I should've started this blog then but I was still being prideful. I didn't want to air out my dirty laundry to the world.

 Last year God called me to fast but not the conventional fast but The Daniel Fast. I ate so clean my skin looked better, my dry scalp was clearing up. With the anointing of the spirit it is entirely possible to 
eat only foods that glorifies "Him". When I turned my focus off him during the fast and was focusing on" what can I eat?" I felt I needed to end the fast. I made something that was supposed to glorify God about me and that was wrong.

 Looking back this last year I am thankful to be given painful "insights". We had to a Pizza Buffet there was a table of two women sitting in front of us. The mom of two young children was sitting in her booth on the same side I was to where I could see her from behind. This sounds totally judgemental and it is but she had very trashy look going on. Dan had gotten up to get more to eat while I was still seated and when he returned from the buffet he sat down at the wrong table. He saw this woman from the corner of his eye and thought she was me! I was so appalled and disgusted. She way she was dressed , the way she had her hair was similar to mine the only difference was she sported facial piercings and tattoos. It really hurt me. It wasn't what he did, it was I let myself go.

Friday, August 17, 2012

If I don't vent...I may just blow!

You know what this is going to be a pity party. My whole life I have tried to be myself and rarely does this seem to be good enough. I feel like being "me" is not at all interesting to the world to people I'd like to think is my friends my family... my husband. It seems like my appeal to others is about as good as a 2nd hand bag from Good Will. I'm not that desired coveted purse in the department store window, I'm the one that someone bought because it was convenient got the job done but when something fresh and interesting come along I was tossed in the pile to be donated out. At least I'm not totally outdated to where I'm tossed in the garbage I suppose.
  I feel as though I must be a bore to talk with because anymore, I'm lucky to get a text to see how I'm doing. I hate texting, I feel like people use it as a mechanism to avoid a meaningful conversation or to waste their valuable time one me. If I do get conversations it is from someone who has idle time while they are DRIVING!!!! It's like I'm driving across town so I thought  since I have this 10 mins of driving I'll chat but when I get out of the car I don't have time for you any longer. great ,thanks, so glad I'm just worth your drive time.
 Oh I can't on with this it is not helping me at all.