Wednesday, January 2, 2013

E-mail I wrote today About my Weightloss.


  I believe Plexus Slim has indeed been the key to my weight loss. I too asked Darrah many questions before I even bought the trial pkg. I tend to have shakes or sugar levels drop from appetite suppressants. I decided the 3 day trial pkg would be worth trying that way I wouldn't be out all the money. The first day I felt so empowered and focused at the same time and not jittery, shaky or too caffinated to function. The first comment I made to Dan was, "I have never felt so energized and focused at the same time!" I imediately ordered 2 more sample pks so I could try it for 9 days and see what the results would be. First thing u do is measure your waist or wear a tight shirt. I did both as well as weigh myself. After the 3 days I has lost 3 lbs and 1 inch!.
  First and foremost I hate having direct sales products crammed down my throat. I liked this type though because you aren't pressured to have a" party" for the product. Actually I should have told you this. In Oct. I had been feeling convicted strongly by God to quit putting food before him and lose weight. I started trying out other products and ways and no they didn't do a thing. I came across a post for Plexus from a total stranger and was intrigued because it was a normal person and not someone who turned into a body builder or super model. I looked it up but quickly didn't believe it could be effective since it was a drink once a day and/or a accelerator if u choose. i even showed my husband and he looked at it and he was skeptical too. "I distinctly remember telling him, if I knew someone personally doing this it would help me decide to try this".
 After going to our small group one Sunday night I felt so convicted to ask for prayers to get my weight under control. THe next morning is when I made the post about christian weightloss blogs/ sites u had responded to. After looking for the book I come across a post in a blog with a sermon about glorifying God with our bodies. I just kept receiving confirmation that he was telling me to lose it! Then Darrah made her post about losing 20 lbs on Plexus. I was excited because now I knew someone in real life using this product.
  Let me tell you how it has worked and effected me. First I told u it gave me an huge surge or energy and focus. The next day my body had settled from the sensation of the day before but not a bad settle more like adjusted. You have to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day which shouldn't be a problem because if there is a side effect it is I'm thirsty only for water all day long. This means my mouth gets a little dry but once I drink water I'm ok. It did increase my urine for a few days. Now, I wouldn't say that this product has supressed my appetite where I don't want to eat but it has curbed my appetite to where I make healthier choices for my meals and not crave all the carbs, sugars,caffiene, and Chocolate! I must be the weird one in the adventure because the week before Christmas i joined a gym too.

 Now back to day 6 of the trial i have to tell you is when I decided i must get the months worth. For so long now I have felt dibilitated after my 3  yr olds birth from pain in my right hip and lower back. After the 6th day and 6 pounds off my body I had imediate relief and slept the entire night with no pain. I was amazed how 6 lbs made such a difference. This is when I started doing some areobic type excercises prompting me to join the gym. I feel the not eating so much junk and no soda had given me the freedom to move. I fully believe God pointed me to this product to jumpstart and maintaine myself.

I'm try to hurry and wrap this up but first i want to tell you I have 70 more lbs to lose. I know outrageous right. If I lose 10 lbs a month I'll be at a desirable size by my anniversary in Sept. I wasn't going to sign on until I lost at least 40lbs where people would see big results but I couldn't wait. So any way. I hope this helps.

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