Monday, January 12, 2015

Daniel Fast April 30-May2

Saturday marks the 7th day of my Fast I must admitt my mind is too preoccupied with what to eat so today I'm not even going to pay much attention or put much focus on the eating part. God knows' my needs and he will take care of me while I am doing this to draw closer. The reason I started this with Saturday is I did really well Saturday. it was a very low key Day until I received a call in the afternoon from Jamie on Barbaras' phone telling us she had died. Her family was not quite so shocked but I am. This was Kyles' bilological grandma. Sunday all was going well we went to church heard just the right sermon. I know many thought he was talking to each and everyone of us. It is amazing how God does that! Today, I'm praying for strenght and the willpower to get up early so I can go into my Inner closet and meet with God. Lying in bed praying is good when I wake or when I go to sleep but making a room for our meeting is what he needs me to do and where he needs me to meet. So, I must clean out that closet!

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